Shah Rukh Khan, also known as the “King of Bollywood,” has shared several motivational quotes over the years. Shah Rukh Khan’s Motivation Quotes for Success – Get a dose of motivation from Bollywood’s iconic actor.
While he is primarily known for his acting career, he has also delivered inspirational speeches and messages. Here are some motivational quotes attributed to Shah Rukh Khan:
- “Don’t be afraid of being different. Be afraid of being the same as everyone else.”
- “Success is not a good teacher. Failure makes you humble.”
- “The dreams I chased took me on a journey, a journey more rewarding than the goals.”
- “I truly believe my job is to make sure people smile.”
- “Hard work never brings fatigue. It brings satisfaction.”
- “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
- “There is no right time and right place for love… it can happen anytime.”
- “Success is not just about making money. It’s about making a difference.”
- “The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come.”
- “I work like I’m not a star, talk like I’m not a star, and I live like I’m not a star.”
- “Your religion, your faith, I respect that. But don’t lose sight of the fact that you’re a citizen of the world.”
- “I don’t write cheques anymore because I end up signing them ‘With Love, Shah Rukh.'”
- “Live your life as you see fit and don’t let anyone limit your dreams.”
- “I truly believe that staying positive keeps the wrinkles away!”
- “I am not a philosopher. I’m just a guy who likes to think.”
- “Believe in the power of the universe and keep doing what you’re doing, without the fear.”
- “Success is not just achieving your dreams; it’s achieving them with integrity and honesty.”
- “The only limits that exist are the ones you place on yourself.”
- “There is a lot of strength inside us, we just need to find it.”
- “Life begins when we decide it’s going to begin for us.”
- “Don’t let the world be your limit; let your limit be the world.”
- “The future you, has to be a you that loves, respects, and believes in yourself.”
- “Chase your dreams, but always know the road that will lead you home.”
- “Success is not determined by where you are, but by the confidence you have in where you’re headed.”
- “In the world of creativity, laziness translates into an inability to be rigorous enough to create fearlessly.”
- “Dreams don’t work unless you do.”
- “It’s okay to be confused. Confusion is the route to all the clarity in the world.”
- “Life is too short to cry for anything. So smile and celebrate.”
- “Don’t let your fears become boxes that enclose you. Open them out, feel them, and turn them into the greatest courage you are capable of.”
- “I don’t wear my stardom like a tuxedo. I wear it like a T-shirt.”
- “Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you never even knew you had.”
- “Money is a good thing to run after. It’s very important to be financially stable, and independent.”
- “The more love you give your decisions, the more beautiful your life becomes.”
- “It’s not about being a superstar; it’s about the hard work you do to become one.”
- “Don’t become a philosopher before you become rich.”
- “Dream, dream, dream. Dreams transform into thoughts, and thoughts result in action.”
- “The only way to live a life well-lived is to do everything with a sense of belief.”
- “You can use your energy to get angry or to make dreams come true. It’s up to you.”
- “Your job is not to figure out how it’s going to happen for you but to open the door in your head and when the doors open in real life, just walk through it.”
- “Don’t let anyone tell you there’s anything you can’t do. If you have a dream, protect it.”
- “The best teacher is your last mistake.”
- “Dreams may not always come true, but they will always take you to beautiful places.”
- “Life is beautiful. Be thankful for everything. Destroy your ego, be kind, and love everyone.”
- “Sometimes, you have to let go of the life you had planned to embrace the life that is waiting for you.”
- “Success is not about how you look. It’s really about how you feel.”
- “The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.”
- “You never win the silver, you only lose the gold.”
- “I’m like a Rolls Royce which can run without an engine, just on reputation.”
- “Whenever I start feeling too arrogant about myself, I always take a trip to the U.S. The immigration guys kick the star out of my stardom.”
- “Life is too short. To make it meaningful, it has to be lived with purpose, to be lived with courage, to be lived with love.”
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